Public Release Notes
This article covers new product enhancements included in our August 28, 2023 release.
New / Enhanced Reports
Payments History Report
This new report, available to Power Users with Accounting and Firm Administrators, provides information on payments logged in your firm. This report also includes additional relevant case file information for payments in the report. The Payments History Report can be filtered by the following criteria:
Payment Date Posted
Branch Office
Attorney Responsible
The Branch Office and Attorney Responsible criteria filter the report results based on the staff assignments on case files to which a payment is associated.
Detailed Invoice Report with Fees and Costs
Included additional data to the report output to display which user created a given invoice, as well as the Attorney Responsible information for the case file associated to the invoice. This additional data will help you better track which users are creating invoices in your firm.
Invoices Report
Added Attorney Responsible information to the report output. Similar to the Detailed Invoice Report with Fees and Costs, the additional information on the attorney responsible will make it easier to track with users are responsible for the case files to which a given invoice is associated.
Billable Time: Time and Expense Entries
To provide increased detail on time and expense entries we have added the following columns to the report output:
Entered By - user who created the entry
Billed By - user whose entry it was billed under
Case Name
Billing Code - quick code of the entry
Bill To - the billing contact the entry is billed to
Amount - the total amount of the entry
Filtering on this report has also been enhanced to add a new “Work Type“ report criteria to allow for filtering the results based on case ledger type. Options include all available operating account ledger types (e.g. Invoice: Billable Time, Invoice: Non-Billable Time, etc.). The “Include Non-Billable Time“ checkbox has been removed from the report criteria, as this can now be selected with the Work Type filter.
Enhanced Exporting Options
Search Contacts & Companies
Exporting search results from this page now includes Universal Assigned Name and EAMS Reference Number information, if it has been added to a given contact or company. The availability of this information in an export file will improve review and maintenance of contact information (e.g. help to identify duplicate contacts).
Billing Rules
To provide greater detail on a firm’s Billing Rules, exports from the Billing Rules table will now also include the following data:
Warning Message
Minimum Hours
Maximum Hours
Billing Rule String Match Value
Hours Limited to
Active or Inactive
Billing Rule Contact
Billing Rule Code
Limit by User Role
Note: The “Users/Billers“, “Billing Rule Contact“, “Billing Rule Code“, and “Limit by User Role“ columns may contain multiple entries depending on the way the Billing Rule is configured.
Notify Attorney Responsible
Added a new user preference option under External Notifications and Email Messages to allow users to select which email address from which they want to send notifications when selecting the “Notify Attorney Responsible“ option.
To improve the review and management of case related tasks, tasks are now able to be filtered based on the underlying case status of the file. Additional default filter shortcuts have been added for quick access to tasks for “All Open Cases“, “All Closed Cases“, and “All Archived Cases“.
Other Updates
Open Charges - Improved the way the Open Charges table loads after exporting charges.
Templates - Improved handling of archived contacts when merging templates.
Contact and Company - Standardized labeling of Contact and Company data fields throughout MerusCase.
“EAMS Number” has been changed to “EAMS Number (ERN)”
“UAN Code (EAMS Name)” has been changed to “EAMS Name (UAN)”
Case Messages - Addressed an intermittent issue when composing a Case Message where the subject line would sometimes be cleared out.