This page is intended to provide instructions on what information our Support and Engineering teams need in order to fulfill a request for a custom case status or type. Once you are ready to request a custom case status or custom case type, please email
Custom Case Statuses
When creating a new case status you will need to determine two things: will it be considered Open or Closed + Billable or Non-Billable
Open: An Open Case will show up on any reports run such as the Stale Cases report.
Closed: A Closed Case will not show up on any reports run such as the Stale Cases report.
Billable: When billable, a case can have open charges and invoices associated with the case without receiving a warning against linking them. Additional billing rules based off of already set preferences, can also be applied to the case.
Non-Billable: When non-billable, a case has a billing rule in place to keep open charges or invoices from being associated with it and will warn the user, should it be attempted.
Custom Case Type
We build custom case types off of our existing built-in types. As each built-in case type has their own special tab, we need you to specify a pre-existing case type to build off of. For example, the Workers’ Compensation case type has the ‘injuries’ tab, Personal Injury case types include the ‘Incidents’ tab, etc.
Criminal: This case type includes the ‘Charges’ tab which includes the arrest details of the case, tracking of prior conviction(s), etc.
Employment: This case type includes the ‘Employment’ tab which stores information for employment law cases such as employer, employment status, wage information, wage claims, etc.
Family: This case type includes the ‘General’, ‘Custody’, ‘Divorce’ and ‘Spousal Support’ tabs which stores information such as proposed custody agreement, child support calculator, prenuptial agreement details, marriage certificate number, spousal support details, etc. There are multiple sub-types under Family Law case types, so please be specific about which type you’d like it to most closely mirror.
Immigration: This case type includes the ‘Immigration’ and ‘Immigration Packet’ tabs, which store information such as set hearings, travel history, ID documents, immigration packets, etc.
Personal Injury: This case type includes the ‘Incident’ and ‘Motor Vehicle Accident Details’ tabs, which store information such as incident conditions, police report, product details, an interactive incident map, etc. There are multiple sub-types under PI case types, so please be specific about which type you’d like it to most closely mirror.
Social Security This case type includes the ‘Social Security’ tab which stores information such as alleged onset date, age at time of disability, date last insured, etc.
Worker’s Comp: This case type includes the ‘Injuries’ tab which stores information such as body parts, injury type, insurance and claim numbers, disability and earnings, etc.