The Charges Tab allows a user with accounting access to review, reject, and export open billable time and ledger items logged by all users firmwide.
Filtering Open, Reviewed, Exported, & Rejected Charges
Any table in MerusCase allows for filtering across any of the columns on your screen to provide the user a tailored list within the system. In other words, use the filter to quickly find a specific line item within the table.
Additionally, MerusCase supports the use of multiple filters at once. For instance, a user can search for all open(by the Case Status column) cases within Browse Cases and then apply a second filter to then search for Assigned to Me (by the Staff column) within those open cases.
To apply multiple filters, enter the first filter then click on the magnifying glass. On click, a drop-down window will appear. Click Add Filter and toggle what to filter by.
Select Always use this column if you wish to always use the same filter type. Many firms find it particularly useful to select this option when filtering for cases, forms, or templates.
MerusCase filtering has very powerful Search and Filter Tricks available to you, such as Custom Filter Shortcuts, powerful keywords, Preset Filters and even more!To remove a filter, click on the added filter button (each applied filter appears as a button underneath the Search/Filter bar). For example, to remove the filter for open cases, click on the button Status: Open underneath the Search/Filter bar.
If you have several entries to sift through, you can utilize the filter to Search by User, Case, Description, Billed To, Hours, Amount, or Date on any of the Charges tabs.
Additionally, you can use QuickFilters to automatically fill in the search bar with a date range of Today, This Week, Last Month, or This Month or by user via user initials.
Open Charges
The Open Charges tab displays all open ledger items for the firm that have not yet been reviewed. From this tab, you can review all charges for accuracy - rejecting them, if necessary - before proceeding to attach them to an invoice. If you would like to require that all time charges be reviewed before invoicing, you may toggle this setting on or off in the Accounting Setup section.
Select Everything or Nothing
To make it easy to perform tasks in bulk, MerusCase has a dropdown menu available which allows the user to select all of the items in the table or deselect all of the items in the table simultaneously. Simply click the checkbox-like icon above the column of checkboxes to see the options Select None and Select Everything.
Note that this will only apply to items in the table which you’ve currently filtered for (i.e. which are displayed on your screen at this moment).
Marking an Open Charge as Reviewed
Select the checkbox next to the ledger item(s) you would like to mark as reviewed.
Click the button labeled Mark Reviewed.
Once a ledger item has been marked as reviewed, it will then be moved into the Reviewed Charges tab.
If your firm does not require all time charges be reviewed before being invoiced and this is reflected in Accounting Setup, the Mark Reviewed button will be hidden and not displayed.Marking an Open Charge as Rejected
Select the checkbox next to the ledger item(s) you would like to reject.
Click the button labeled Mark Rejected.
Once a ledger item has been marked as rejected, it will then be moved to the Rejected tab.
Exporting an Open Charge
MerusCase allows Power Users with Accounting and Firm Administrators to export time to various external billing systems.
If your firm requires review of all charges for invoices, then the Export Charges option will be available in the Reviewed Charges tab instead of Open Charges.-
If applicable, select the appropriate branch office to which the charges are associated.
Select the checkbox next to the ledger item(s) you would like to export.
Select the Export Charges button, located at the top of the list.
Choose the desired export format based on your firm’s billing software.
The formatted text file will be sent to your MerusCase inbox. The selected ledger items will now be listed in the Exported Charges tab.
Many users find filtering for appropriate charges to export most efficient!Reviewed Charges
The Reviewed Charges tab displays all open charges that have been manually reviewed in the Open Charges tab. Clicking on any of the items in the table will open up more information in the right panel.
If your firm does not require all time charges to be reviewed before being invoiced and this is reflected in Accounting Setup, the Reviewed Charges tab will have no options.Marking a Reviewed Charge as Unreviewed
You can use this feature to send a reviewed ledger item back to the Open Charges tab, where it can then be reviewed or rejected a second time.
Select the checkbox next to the open ledger item(s) you would like to mark as unreviewed.
Click the button labeled Mark Unreviewed.
Once a ledger item has been marked as unreviewed, it will then be viewable in the Open Charges tab once again.
Exporting a Reviewed Charge
Export charges from the Reviewed Charges tab. Refer to Exporting an Open Charge above for more details.
Exported Charges
The Exported Tab displays all ledger items that have been exported from the Open Charges or Reviewed Charges tabs.
Downloading Exported Charges
Exported charges will be emailed to the active user at the time of the export. However, those with accounting privileges can view and download previous exports from the Exported Tab.
Select the control column to the left of the export item that you would like to download.
Click Download.
The selected export will open in a new tab, where it can be downloaded.
Rejected Charges
The Rejected Tab displays all ledger items that have been reviewed and marked as rejected. Rejected charges will remain active in the Case Ledger. Clicking on any of the items in the table will open up more information in the right panel.
Resetting a Charge to Open
Select the checkbox to the left of the charge that you would like to reset to open.
Click the button labeled Reset to Open.
These charges will now be moved to the Open Charges tab.