Filtering Payments
Any table in MerusCase allows for filtering across any of the columns on your screen to provide the user a tailored list within the system. In other words, use the filter to quickly find a specific line item within the table.
Additionally, MerusCase supports the use of multiple filters at once. For instance, a user can search for all open (by the Case Status column) cases within Browse Cases and then apply a second filter to then search for Assigned to Me (by the Staff column) within those open cases.
To apply multiple filters, enter the first filter then click on the magnifying glass. On click, a drop-down window will appear. Click Add Filter and toggle what to filter by.
Select Always use this column if you wish to always use the same filter type. Many firms find it particularly useful to select this option when filtering for cases, forms, or templates.
MerusCase filtering has very powerful Search and Filter Tricks available to you, such as Custom Filter Shortcuts, powerful keywords, Preset Filters and even more!To remove a filter, click on the added filter button (each applied filter appears as a button underneath the Search/Filter bar). For example, to remove the filter for open cases, click on the button Status: Open underneath the Search/Filter bar.
If you have several payments to sift through, you can utilize the filter to Search by Reference #, Memo, Payor, Amount, or Date Posted on any of the Payment tabs.
Adding a Payment
To add a payment to the system, from the Unreconciled and/or Payment History tab:
Click on the Add Payment button. On click, on a widescreen monitor, the right panel will appear with the Create Payment interface. On a smaller width screen, this interface will cover the entire screen.
Enter in the Check/Reference Number, Memo, Description, Case, Payor, Amount Paid, and Date Paid/Received/Posted as necessary. As you begin to type into the Case field, a dropdown menu will appear where you can select the case from your firm’s case list. Once a case is selected, the Payor field will become a dropdown menu providing Billing Parties on that case rather than a plain text field. If the case selected has Open Invoices, they will appear below the Record New Payment fields. If no open invoices exist for the chosen case, the system will notify you.
Once all information has been entered, click Save. Alternatively, to cancel the payment creation, click on the ‘x’ cancel button.
Payments recorded in MerusCase without a Case entered will be an unreconciled payment.Crediting Payments
Using the MerusCase allocation feature it is possible to credit payment to a specific ledger entries.
Payments can be allocated to individual ledger items for each invoice for e-billing and reporting purposes as some of our reports depend on having allocated payments to pull information from.
Once you apply payment to an invoice, click on the control column (the box with the three dots) and select ‘Apply to ledger entries’ from the dropdown menu.
Afterwards, you’ll receive a few items: 1. The ‘Apply all suggestions’ applies the suggested allocation amount for all ledger items. Once you’re finished allocating payments, click on the ‘Exit Allocation Mode’ button.
The blue box shows the amount allocated so far out of the amount paid.
The user may manually allocate each ledger item or edit the allocation amount for each ledger item.
Viewing Payment Details
View payments by clicking on the line item of the desired payment. On click, the details of the chosen payment will be displayed in the right-hand panel on a widescreen monitor. On a smaller width screen, the Payment Detail will cover the entire screen.
Payment Details displays information that was previously entered when the payment was first added such as the Reference Number, Memo, Description, Payment Amount, Payor, etc.
If the payment has not been matched with an invoice, the option to attach one will be available. If the payment has been matched, the invoice(s) it has been applied to will be displayed in Payment Details. Additionally, any refunds or discounts that have been applied can also be viewed here.
Unreconciled Payments
Unreconciled payments are payments that have been entered/recorded into MerusCase, but have not been matched to an invoice. This includes payments entered without a Case, payments that have only been partially applied to an invoice but still have a balance open, etc.
If a payment is received and entered into MerusCase with no Case selected, the payment will be displayed in the Unreconciled Payment tab.
Attaching an Invoice
If the payment has not been attached to a case or invoice, the option to Attach an Invoice will be displayed in Payment Details.
In the field labelled Case/Matter, type in the desired case and select it from the menu as it appears.
On click, all open invoices for that Case/Matter will appear.
Select the checkbox(s) to the left of the invoice(s) you would like to attach.
Enter in the amount of the unreconciled payment you’d like to apply to the invoice(s) selected and click Save.
Attach More Invoices
Apply the unreconciled amount of a payment to additional invoices with the Attach More Invoices section.
Select the checkbox to the left of the invoice(s) you would like to attach.
Enter in the amount of the unreconciled payment you’d like to apply to the invoice(s) selected.
Once complete, click Save. On click, you will be redirected to Unreconciled Payments if the payment has not been fully applied. Alternatively, if the payment has been applied in full to an invoice or multiple invoices, you will be redirected to Payment History.
Issuing a Refund
To issue a refund on a payment, from the Payment Details view, click on Issue Refund. On click, a popup will appear prompting the user to enter in the Refund Amount. By default, the unreconciled amount will be automatically entered.
Confirm this refund by clicking Refund. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the prompt and not issue a refund.
Invoices Paid
Invoices that this payment has been applied and linked to will be displayed in the Invoices Paid section.
Use the control column to view the Invoice as a PDF, Invoice Details, or Unlink the Invoice all from this section.
Payments History
Payments: History is where all fully reconciled payments can be found. Refer to the above sections for steps on how to utilize the Invoices Paid and Refunds Issued sections.
Deleting a Payment
To delete, click on the Control Column (displayed as three little dots) next to the desired line item and select Delete.
Generally, anytime a user deletes an item, a popup message will appear asking for confirmation from the user.
Alternatively, you can also delete a payment from Payment Details using the Delete button in the upper right-hand corner of that screen.