Certain fields in the MerusCase API reference data points by ID, which have been noted below for easy reference. These cannot be changed, however, there may be additional options available to the authenticated user beyond those indicated below, such as custom case types. Additionally, the user types may be modified by any firm-specific custom permissions which have been applied.
Activity Types
In addition to firm-specific activity types, there are a number of built-in types, many of which are tied to specific functionality in MerusCase. They are listed below for reference.
ID | Type |
1 | Hidden |
2 | Automatic |
3 | Form Created |
4 | Form Edited |
5 | Form Completed |
6 | Status Changed |
7 | Form Cloned |
9 | Document |
10 | Photo/Graphic |
11 | Message |
12 | Event Created |
13 | Case Created |
14 | Case Consolidated |
15 | Message (Sending in Progress) |
16 | Event Updated |
17 | Event Deleted |
18 | Template Merged |
19 | Document Opened |
20 | Task Created |
21 | Task Completed |
22 | Task Updated |
23 | Cancelled |
24 | Subpoena Request |
25 | Subpoenaed Document |
26 | Task Deleted |
30 | DWC Parcel Deleted |
31 | DWC Parcel Created |
32 | DWC Parcel Updated |
33 | DWC Parcel Submitted |
34 | DWC Parcel Attachments Log |
35 | DWC Parcel eFile Submission Confirmation |
36 | DWC Parcel eFile Submission Completed |
37 | DWC Parcel eFile Submission Failed |
39 | Form Completed (Import) |
40 | Filing Date Recorded |
50 | Statute Set |
55 | Case Status Message |
100 | Manual Entry |
101 | Note |
102 | Letter Sent |
103 | Fax Sent |
104 | Email Sent |
105 | Letter Received |
106 | Fax Received |
107 | Email Received |
108 | Proof Sent |
109 | Fee |
110 | Payment |
111 | Telephone Call |
112 | Copy Service Request |
113 | Reviewed |
Case Types
Case Types are accessed via the API using their ID. Systemwide case types are listed below, and will also appear in requests for case types, in addition to any firm-specific types available to the authenticated user. Modules (tabs) available beyond Activities, Case Details and Parties are also noted.
ID | Case Type | Modules (Tabs) Available |
1 | Workers’ Compensation | Case Ledgers,Injuries |
2 | Personal Injury - Motor Vehicle Accident | Case Ledgers,Vehicle Accidents |
3 | Americans with Disabilities Act | Case Ledgers |
4 | Lien Claim | Case Ledgers |
5 | Third-Party | Case Ledgers |
6 | Attorney | Case Ledgers |
7 | Social Security | Case Ledgers |
8 | Family Law | Case Ledgers |
9 | Civil | Case Ledgers |
10 | Veteran’s Administration | Case Ledgers |
11 | Immigration | Case Ledgers, Immigrations |
12 | Bankruptcy | Case Ledgers |
14 | Employment | Case Ledgers |
15 | Criminal | Case Ledgers,Arrests |
16 | Probate/Conservatorship | Case Ledgers |
17 | Consult Only | Case Ledgers |
18 | Estate Planning (Consult) | Case Ledgers |
19 | Personal Injury - Premise Liability (Slip and Fall) | Case Ledgers,Premise Liabilities |
20 | Personal Injury - Product Liability | Case Ledgers,Product Liabilities |
21 | Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice | Case Ledgers,Malpractices |
22 | Personal Injury - General | Case Ledgers,General Incidents |
23 | Immigration With Removal | Case Ledgers, Immigrations |
24 | Real Estate - Buyer | Case Ledgers |
25 | Real Estate - Seller | Case Ledgers |
26 | Real Estate - Bank/Lender | Case Ledgers |
Ledger Types
Ledger types can be used to filter case ledgers, to limit results to a given subset of entries. They are referenced by ID, as indicated below, and correspond to either the Operating Account or the Client Account.
ID | Ledger Type | Account |
1 | Expense - Generic | Operating |
2 | Expense - Travel | Operating |
3 | Expense - Meals | Operating |
4 | Expense - Item | Operating |
20 | Invoice: Settlement Reached | Operating |
21 | Invoice: Lien Filed | Operating |
50 | Invoice: Billable Time | Operating |
51 | Invoice: Non-Billable Time | Operating |
59 | Invoice: Fee | Operating |
60 | Invoice: Deposition Fee | Operating |
61 | Invoice: TD | Operating |
70 | Write-Off/Charge-Off | Operating |
80 | Bill: Refund/Chargeback | Operating |
81 | Bill: Disbursement | Client |
82 | Bill: Fee | Client |
83 | Bill: Expense | Client |
101 | Payment Rec’d: Generic | Operating |
102 | Payment Rec’d: Deposition Fee | Operating |
103 | Payment Rec’d: TD | Operating |
104 | Payment Rec’d: Settlement | Operating |
105 | Payment Rec’d: Recovery | Operating |
106 | Payment Rec’d: Fee | Operating |
107 | Payment Received: Settlement | Client |
108 | Retainer | Client |
110 | Settlement Reached | Client |
111 | Discount: Generic | Operating |
112 | Write-Down: Generic | Operating |
113 | Cash Discount | Operating |
140 | Disbursement: Generic | Operating |
141 | Disbursement: Referral | Operating |
201 | Bill Paid: Refund/Chargeback | Operating |
User Types
User Types, or user access levels, determine the level of access a user has to information saved in MerusCase. As per Case Types and Ledger Types above, they are referenced by their ID, as noted below.
ID | Label | Description |
1 | Read-Only | Read-only access to all non-accounting modules. No edit or delete capabilities. |
5 | General Staff | View and edit capabilities on all non-accounting modules. Time tracking enabled. Deletion not allowed except on just-created items. |
6 | Power User | Full access to all modules, except accounting and user administration. |
7 | Power User with Accounting | Full access to all modules, except user administration. |
9 | Firm Administrator | Full access to all modules, including accounting and user administration. |