MerusCase technical staff have the ability to export your firm's data in XML format, if this is needed.
This will encompass all of your data, including all cases, contacts, documents, tasks, etc.
By default, data backups will be provided electronically via a Dropbox link. This link will be password protected, for security purposes. However, if the data backup is very large, MerusCase staff will export the data onto a physical drive. MerusCase staff will work with your firm to determine the best address to send the physical drive to. This physical drive will also be password protected.
Please note: The data will always be exported in XML format. This means the data is not human-readable. It is designed to be accessed by a technical professional. Usually firms only request a copy of their data, if they decide to leave MerusCase and move their data into another case management system. If this is the situation, then your firm will need to work with the technical staff for the other case management system, to ensure that all your data points are mapped from MerusCase, into that other system.
There is a $300 charge per data backup. This charge is for the engineering time it takes to generate the data backup.
Please email if you are interested in requesting a backup of your firm data.