A number of features in MerusCase are sensitive to your location, meaning that they will function differently based on where your firm operates.
Navigate to Tools & Settings (the little gear icon in the upper right) and then choose My Preferences in order to set your Jurisdiction.
Select the state(s) in the domain of your firm’s practice. This option will determine which Courts and Venues show up for you as options in the Case Info section of any given case.
The options available under Venue (Court) will be determined by your selection for Jurisdiction in My Preferences. This option will also determine which forms show up in this particular case, as Merus avoids cluttering your available forms with anything outside of the relevant legal jurisdiction for the case in which you’re in.
MerusCase draws your timezone from what’s set in your operating system itself. If you want to change it, the procedure for doing so depends on whether your machine is running Windows 8, Windows 10, OS X (Mac), or a different operating system.
If your firm has branch offices across multiple time zones, don’t worry about whether you need to note things down in your calendar to reflect that. Any events you create in MerusCase will show for each user in their respective timezone, meaning that no one needs to do timezone conversion calculations just to view the calendar - Merus takes care of it for you.