The Edexis integration must be enabled for your firm before you can serve documents. See our setup article for more information.
Case file documents can be served to parties with the Edexis integration from within a case file. While inside the case file for which you want to serve documents, select the “Edexis” option under the Documents tab in the left panel of the case.
You should see the Edexis integration landing page. If the integration is enabled for your firm, you should see an option to “Serve Documents”. Click this button to begin the process of serving documents.
Step 1: Select Parties
In this step, you can select the parties on the case file to which you want to serve documents. Simply select the checkbox for any party you would like to include in your process service. For case files with a large number of parties, you can search at the top of the page, or filter the list by people type. Once you have selected all the desired parties, you can navigate to the next step.
Step 2: Confirm Addresses
In Step 2, you can confirm the address information for the parties you selected in Step 1. Any party that is listed as an employee of a company in your contact list can use the address of their employer. If needed, you can edit the address information for this process service order.
Please note: Any changes to address information made on this page are only for the purposes of serving documents. If you want to make permanent changes to a contact in your firm, please do so from your firm’s contact list.
Once every party in the order has an address selected, you can navigate to Step 3.
Step 3: Select Documents
After confirming the contact information for the parties in your order, you can select the documents you would like to serve. You can search through the table of documents or sort by the following criteria:
- Date Uploaded
- Staff Uploaded
- Activity Tags
Select the documents you would like to serve by clicking on the checkbox for the corresponding row in the table. After you have selected at least one document, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Add Document Author/Rename Documents
In this step, you will have the opportunity to edit the document name for the order and indicate a document author. Similar to email attachments, you may want to rename the document for the purposes of sending to a party outside of your firm. If your firm uses a specific naming convention for documents, you can rename them here for the process service order without affecting the name of the document in the Activities table of the case file.
The Document Author field is required for the Edexis integration. It is used to indicate the source or originator of a specific document; common examples include a doctor’s office or another law office.
Once you have edited the document names as desired and specified an author for each document, you can proceed to the next step in the integration.
Step 5: Review and Submit
Once you have completed all previous steps, you can review your selections. You can easily make adjustments to previous steps’ information by clicking the “Back” button or selecting the individual step at the top of the tab.
If you are satisfied with the information for your process service order, you can submit the order to Edexis for completion. A new tab will open in your browser where you can finalize additional details for your order.
Edexis Site Steps
On the Edexis site, once you have confirmed that the documents you selected in Step 3 have been successfully transmitted, you will be able to select a delivery service type for your order.
On the next page you can adjust the delivery service type for each recipient you specified in Step 1 in MerusCase. By default, all recipients should have the delivery service type you selected in the General Information page on the Edexis site.
After confirming your delivery service types for the order, you can choose a proof of service format. Once your order has been submitted through Edexis, you will receive the signed proof of service form directly in MerusCase once it’s available. It will be uploaded to the appropriate case file and the document will be tagged with the activity tag specified during the Edexis setup process. If you wish to receive a copy of the signed proof of service via email, you can select an email address on this page as well.
The next step in Edexis will provide a cost estimate for your order. Once you complete the order submission process, you can return to MerusCase.
In MerusCase, you should receive a success notification indicating that your order has been successfully submitted to Edexis. You are all done!
Questions? See our FAQs article for more information.